About Aluma

Rights for national/army service graduates – for lone service members


From uniforms to school

This scholarship pays for 2/3 of university’s tuition. This scholarship is for combat soldier veterans or lone soldiers who did a full national or military service.

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School in the suburbs scholarship

scholarship for part of tuition from 3 months to 5 years post service.

The graduates of a full service in the army or national service are entitled to the scholarship for up to 10 years post-graduation.

The graduates of one year of national service are entitled to 50% of their tuition.

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Financial aid and living solutions

Absorption basket

Naale seniors get their first hand of the Absorption basket.

The second half of the absorption basket they receive post Army/ national service.

Note:  Naale graduates must ask for the second half of the absorption basket, it is not given automatically.

Rent aid

The ministry of Defence grands lone graduates of army / national service up to 1000₪ per month as aid to pay rent.

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Rent aid- Ministry of Construction and Housing

Naale graduate and new immigrants are entitled for the Ministry of Construction and Housing of Israel help for up to five years;

Naale graduate for up to five years after receiving immigrant card

General immigrants- for up to 8 months

It is a few hundred shekels per month from the moment you receive your ID. The sum will be transferred to new immigrants even if are not renting an apartment.

It is important to open a bank account beforehand so it will be possible to receive the transfer.

The sum of money is calculated as follows:

First year since receiving the ID is 220₪  (meaning new immigrants will receive this sum for 4 months, and not for a year as Naale graduates)

For the next three years the sum is 400₪

On the 5th year the sum is 90₪

Whoever does National / Army service gets paid an extra 400₪ a month for every year of service.

Meaning immigrant has served for two years they shall receive on the 6th year a sum of 400₪ a month, and again on the 7th year.

If after the 5th year the sum is not received into the bank account of an entitled immigrant you may turn to:

For more information- Naale graduate: Nerit, Amidar: 050-526-5540- WhatsApp only. Or-    

Other new immigrants: go here

A grant from the immigration office

Immigrants who came to Israel in the five years proceeding to their army/ National service or Ethiopian immigrants who came to Israel in the 10 years proceeding to their army/ national service are entitled to a grand from the immigration office.

The grant is 100% of a Privates’ base salary for those who came to Israel in the five years proceeding to their army or national service and for 150% for those of Ethiopian descent in the 10 years proceeding to their army/national service.

To receive the grant please address one of the immigration offices.

You should know about…

Workshop for veteran lone soldiers

Every workshop lasts for a couple of days, on a few different occasions post-graduation.

On the agenda: Writing resume, receiving information relevant to veteran lone soldiers including discounts and other perks regarding their citizenship, School, bureaucracy and employment.

The workshop is funded by “wings” charity that provides aid for lone soldiers and personal aid and advice regarding school, financial aid, citizenship and more.

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Ministry of Defense

All required information including financial aid for general and lone graduates of army/ national service.

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